Why some pool and spa dealers were more prepared and faster to adapt to the effects of the Pandemic in generating leads, timely following up and closing more sales with less stress.
Today I’m doing a joint Podcast with Megan Kendrick, Publisher of SpaRetailer Magazine – the “go to” resource for everything related to the hot tub industry.

Megan Kendrick – Publisher
Spa Retailer Magazine
No matter how good or bad you were at marketing and promoting your pool and spa business in 2020, most of the dealers and manufacturers listening to this podcast probably had a significant increase in sales in 2020 and are forecasting a pretty good 2021.
So even though in today’s podcast we’re going to talk about the pandemic, it’s going to be more in the context of why some dealers were more prepared and faster to adapt to the changing retail landscape and do so more efficiently and with less stress.
In addition, we’re going to discuss what manufacturers did to help their dealers adapt and succeed and what they should be doing now to build their brand and increase market share.
Then we’ll talk about what dealers and manufactures should be doing now to prepare when the hot tub buying “feeding frenzy” eventually settles down.
Questions for Dave
1 – Why were some dealers more successful during the pandemic?
2 – How critical a role did systems and automation play for successful dealers in 2020?
3 – You mentioned more and better communication options for consumers – what do you mean by that?
4 – What do you think pool and spa buyers expect now from dealers?
5 – How and where should dealers be marketing and advertising their business now?
Questions for Megan
1 – What did Spa Retailer do in 2020 to help their subscribers adapt and grow?
2 – What were dealers asking for most from you?
3 – Since manufacturers aren’t looking for new dealers, what messages is it important for them to put out right now?
4 – What manufacturer(s) do a good job of communicating with the industry?
5 – What are some ways manufacturers can use this time to gain market share, even if they can’t ramp up capacity right now?
6 – What struggles are dealers telling you they’re having right now?