Press Release Marketing for Spa Dealers and Pool Builders

Spa-Pool-Marketing-Success-Press-Release-Marketing-858-442-3131With the advent of 24 hour news stations, social media, iPhones, mobile marketing, etc., some experts estimate that the average consumer is exposed to more than 3,000 advertising messages a day. That translates into 125 ads per hour!

That means in order to get noticed, your products, services and more importantly, your message, must stand out. Press Release (PR) can help you do just that!

But Public Relations differs from advertising in that time or space is “earned” because the editor, reporter or producer wishes to utilize you as a resource. When securing publicity through Public Relations, you are not paying for the coverage, which means you cannot dictate how the information is relayed.

In terms of driving traffic, a well written and well placed press release can really do wonders. PR that is picked up by high page rank online news outlets can give your website significant inbound links thereby improving your organic search engine rankings.

When writing a press release you need to be sure to communicate pertinent information — which would be of public interest, without seeming to hype your business. Remember, a press release is not an advertisement.

Having said that, your press release should have an “attention grabbing headline,” which will help identify your media release as newsworthy information. In addition, the most pertinent information needs to appear in the opening paragraph.

The key to getting the most out of any press release is that it be professionally written and distributed. In addition, your press release should include strategically placed keywords and keyword phrases.

“Done For You” Online Press Release Marketing (PR)

  • We will create one professionally written press release per month based on the goals and objectives of the company. This can include new products and services, milestone events, charitable donations, new employees, etc.
  • PR release to include strategic placement of keywords, titles, descriptions and links
  • We will also distribute the Press Release to either free or paid online PR syndication services
  • Options include adding links, photos and even videos

To learn more, set up a phone consultation or get pricing, please call or e-mail
David Carleton at 858-442-3131

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