What are Chatbots?

Chatbots are interactive software programs that can be used to automatically engage with messages they receive. Depending on how you set them up, Chatbots can be programmed to respond the exact same way same way each time they are engaged or to respond differently to messages they get that contain specific targeted keywords.

Chatbots can be deployed in several different ways, but most frequently are found using mobile phone SMS text, website chat and on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

Chatbots are becoming more accepted by people of all ages therefore more companies are using them in a variety of different ways. The most frequent things that shoppers like about using chatbots are:
• Getting quick answer to questions at any time of day
• Inquiring about the different types of products and services you offer
• Getting more specs and details about a specific product model
• Getting in touch with a live sales, service or customer service representative

How do They Work and What Can Chatbots Actually Do?

Interact with Prospects and Customers
Because current customers and prospective clients initially interact with a chatbot, by the time the sales or service teams get involved, the chatbots have already initiated a conversation, answered some frequently asked questions and are now ready engage with a live person.

Pre-Qualify Buyers
By providing answers to prospective buyer’s frequently asked questions, leads can be segmented into specific product or service categories thus proving your sales or service team useful information to expedite the sales process.

Automate Frequently Asked Questions
Most customers that find your business on Facebook or land on your website are looking for specific answers. Most often they are quick questions like: When are your hours? Where are you located? Do you offer service? Can you fix my Widget? These are the types of questions where chatbots can get your customers the information they need instantly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Using chatbots in this way can free up a significant amount of time for your employees.

Enhance Your other Marketing and Promotion Strategies
Whether you are using Facebook or Google Ads, direct mail, e-mail marketing or just website promotions, Chat Bots can eventually turn all your outbound marketing efforts into lead generating interactive conversations

More Benefits of Using Chatbots

Website Lead Generation
Having a “live chat” pop-up on your website is great IF you have a live person dedicated to being on call during normal working hours, but how many business owners have the personnel to do this. Not many! And nothing is more frustrating to a customer or prospect than using a live chat only to find out that no one is there to answer their questions.

Chatbots to the rescue! Having a chatbot pop-up is a great way start a conversation with website visitors, and answer frequently asked questions all without having a live person initially involved. If the website visitor engages with your chatbot and needs more information that is not provided, they always have the option to request a live person. In this way you have an employee who is “on-call” and can interact with a customer versus a full-time live chat person.

Facebook Lead Generation
If you are not using Facebook Messenger Chatbots yet on your business page, you may want start. It is growing in popularity and can quickly and easily answer questions and engage customers and prospects.

You can use Facebook chatbot to:
• Have a welcome message on your business page and providing frequently asked questions (FAQs) to engage users to “Get Started.”
• Send and receive texts and photos and include specific Calls to Action sending users to a specific landing page on your website
• Offer a variety of detailed options about your products and services and let users select what’s important to them.
• Provide user with the opportunity to contact a live person at your company

Facebook also offers a few different types of Messenger ads. When they tap on an ad, they’ll be sent to the destination you chose during ads creation – whether that’s a specific page on your website site or a conversation with your business on right on Messenger. Visitors can also start a text conversation with your business using the “Send Message” button option.

24/7 Customer Support
Installing a chatbot on your Facebook page or on your website allows you to offer at least some level of customer services even when your business is closed.

Start Conversations with Customers and Prospects in a Fun and Unique Way
Phone calls and emails are still effective but offering chat as an option to your customers and prospects is fast, easy, unique and even fun for many. Plus, it also offers yet another way for people to communicate with you on their terms. It may also set you apart from your competition who many not offer his option yet.

Help Customers and Prospects “Find Their Way”
Many first-time buyers may know they want to buy your product, but which one? Will it meet their specific needs and budget? Size, colors, options, add-ons, accessories, financing it can be very confusing

A great way to use chatbots is to ask a series of qualifying questions that will eventually send your prospect to the page on your website where they can find information, they need to make an informed buying decision.

Are Chatbots Right for Your Business?
Seriously, I can’t think of a reason not to use chatbots. Will every customer or prospect use them? Of course not. But for those that do, it can lead to more/better more engagement, answer questions quickly and easily, qualify prospects and of course generate more leads for your business.

The most important part of using chatbots is to make sure it is set up correctly right from the start. Here are just a few things you need to think about:

• What should I use the chatbot for?
• What do I want to accomplish?
• Who am I trying to reach

Set Up
• How should I set up the chatbot flow?
• What will the automated conversation Q&A look like?
• When should I offer the “live” option?
• Who is going to write all the content?
• Can I use photos, videos and links or just text?
• Should I use it just on Facebook or just my website or both?

Customers and Prospects
• What information do my customers and prospects want?
• How will I deliver this information?

• How will I measure the effectiveness of the chatbot?
• How soon can I get started?
• How soon before I see results?
• Can the chatbot flows be changed once implemented?

Need help designing, setting up and managing your chat bot? We offer a complete “done for you” chatbot service. After our initial conversation we get to work designing a chatbot solution to fit your needs.

Call here to learn more about our chatbot marketing services

About David Carleton
David Carleton is a Pool and Spa Dealer Internet Marketing Consultant who specializes in showing spa dealers and pool builders how to spend less and get more from their marketing and advertising using low cost strategies in local business marketing, lead generation and conversion, Internet marketing and social media

Dave was Vice President of Dimension One Spas for 6 years where he developed sales; marketing and training programs that helped hundreds of dealers in 30 countries around the world generate leads, increase sales and enhance their overall marketing effectiveness.

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