Need a Dynamic and Motivating Speaker for Your Next Meeting?
Do you want to leave a lasting impression on your audience and improve the lives and businesses of those in attendance?
Do you want to have them walking out of the room knowing exactly what they need to do to increase their sales and profits and how to do it?
Wouldn’t it be nice to have a speaker that has lead and inspired thousands of people, and sold and marketed dozens of products to over 30 countries?
If the answer to the above is yes, then we should talk. I guarantee an energetic, information packed presentation, full of proven strategies to drive more traffic, generate more leads and increase sales.
I Am Available And Can Speak On a Variety of Sales and Marketing Topics Such As Internet Marketing, Social Media, Website Design, Lead Generation, Referral Marketing and More.
Watch This Demo Video
What is Social Media Marketing and How Can it Help Me Grow My Business?
60 – 90 Minutes
Most companies know they should be using social media in some capacity, but many just don’t know what to do and how to get started. This presentation will show attendees how they can integrate social media marketing into their current marketing mix at little or no cost.
Specific strategies will be presented that will show attendees how they can use Social Media Marketing to Drive More Traffic, Get More Referrals and Increase Sales.Examples from such websites as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and more will be discussed.
7 Steps to Spa Pool Marketing Success!
How to Use Totally Integrated Marketing to Drive More Traffic, Generate More Leads and Increase Sales for Your Spa or Pool Dealership
60 – 90 Minutes
If you’re doing little or no Internet Marketing for your dealership, then you better get started. Why? Because 70% of U.S. households now use the Internet when shopping locally for products and services, especially high ticket items like spas and pools.
In addition, according to some studies, 90% of people searching for your products and services on the Internet never search beyond page one.
That means if your business isn’t on page one, or at the very least page two of Google, your business doesn’t even exist. And if people can’t find you, they can’t buy from you!
To make matters worse, take a look at all the time, money and resources you’ve already spent creating that beautiful website that 90% of your potential clients and customers will never see. How frustrating!
The bottom line is that just having a website is not enough…in fact, it’s just the beginning. Not having a totally integrated Internet marketing strategy for your business is costing you lost sales and profits day after day, year after year!
The problem is that most dealers spend the bulk of their marketing efforts trying almost exclusively to drive traffic to their showroom but forget to drive traffic to their website. The reality is that most prospects won’t take the time to visit your store until they have visited your website!
This fast-paced workshop is jam-packed with specific strategies that you can implement immediately to drive more traffic, generate more leads and help you dominate the search engines. Real life examples will be shown proving these strategies work!
6 Deadly Marketing Mistakes That Are Costing Your Dealership a Fortune
Smart business owners look at economic slowdowns as an opportunity to gain market share. In times like these, your competitors will slow down or even eliminate some or all of their marketing efforts.
This creates an opportunity for you to capture their customers if you already have systems in place to do so.
In this mini-workshop presentation you’ll discover:
– How to cut your advertising budget back significantly, yet bring in more prospects.
– One strategy that statistics show can help your dealership perform 30% better than almost all other local businesses.
– A way to give your dealership a distinct advantage over your competitors. Get this one thing right and your business will thrive!
– 4 different ways to increase your sales by narrowing your focus.
– Once simple strategy that can increase your closing ratio significantly and keep current customers for life.
– How changing your mindset about what you sell can significantly increase your sales and profits forever.
– How social media websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have changed the rules of marketing and why every business must take advantage of these low cost, high ROI strategies.
How to Turn Your Spa and Pool Website Into a Lead Generation Machine
Imagine what your business would be like if you could generate 20, 50 or even 100+ more qualified leads a month from your website. If it isn’t doing that now, and doing it on a consistent basis, then it’s not working hard enough. Unfortunately very few websites accomplish that goal.
Your website should be more than just an online brochure, it should be a lead generating machine!
Having a fancy website with pretty graphics or fancy flash videos might make you feel good, but if it doesn’t generate leads or get your visitor to take action, then you need to make some changes; and the sooner, the better.
In this presentation I will provide specific strategies and tactics guaranteed to help generate the leads you need to grow any type of business.
Education-Based Marketing: How to Make Qualified Prospects Come to you
Implementing an Education-Based Marketing program will capture your prospects earlier in the decision-making process and establish a relationship of trust, resulting in dramatically higher sales and closing ratios.
This presentation will introduce the process of Education-Based Marketing.
5 Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Spa or Pool Business Even During Slow Times
You can’t change gas prices or political unrest around the world, but you can put systems in place today to find new business regardless of how high the price of oil goes.
Smart business owners look at economic slowdowns as an opportunity to gain market share. Instead of “laying low,” they get tough by using low cost and high impact marketing tactics that get results.
This presentation will provide innovative ideas and resources to keep sales coming in 12 months a year.
How To Flood Your Pool and Spa Business With Qualified Leads Using Referral Marketing
Most pool and spa dealers do not have a formal referral marketing system in place. As a matter of fact, most business people, and even many sales professionals, get sick at the thought of asking for referrals, so they never ask, or they ask incorrectly.
And even though most every dealer gets referrals, many business owners don’t realize the huge sales and profit potential they are missing by not having an active referral marketing system in place.
- 6 Reasons why you need more referrals
- Word of Mouth Versus referral Systems – there is a huge difference!
- 4 Keys to an effective referral marketing system
- 3 Primary Referral Sources
- 5 of the most effective referral strategies on the planet
Just a Few Of The Meetings, Conferences and Conventions Where I’ve Had the Opportunity to Speak

Here are just a few testimonials from some workshops, seminars, keynotes and meetings where I’ve presented.
Dave is engaging and very sharp – he knows the behind the scenes make-up of the tools that are used in his strategies. The information provided will get me the presence I need to launch my business. [I would recommend this workshop because] you will get useful and immediately usable information to put into action now. Can’t thank you enough Dave – very generous of you – Karen Saucedo – Poway, CA
[What I liked most about the workshop was] the practical information. Suggestions are easy and available. I will definitely use what I’ve learned today in launching my business. I would recommend this workshop to my friends who are business owners. I really enjoyed the presentation. Judith Burtell – Rancho Estate Management Co – Vista, CA
Very informative – liked the social media presentation – particularly Facebook and Linkedin. I need to measure some of the changes I am making on Facebook. Suggest speaking to San Diego Business Connectors networking group. Mary Mays – Market America, Encinitas
[What I liked most about the workshop was] lots of tips that are easy to implement. Anyone in business that wants to grow can benefit from this [workshop]. These are wonderful and easy tips. Danielle Mc Devitt –Honey Comb Salon – Encinitas, CA
Easy to listen to, easy to understand the concepts. I learned topics that were easy and simple to apply that anyone could do to get great results. Very useful regardless of your experience with social media and Internet marketing. Nancy Drew, Drew & Associates – San Diego
Current and relevant content. Things that I will do within 1 week. Our business presence is already good, now it we be great and secure. I would not recommend this for any of my competitors – they should stay in the dark. Thanks great timing for me. Kelly King – Mountain Hot Tub – Bozeman MT
Excellent presentation about SEO. Started working with David in August 2010 with social media and will increase SEO with respect to total integrated marketing. David Carleton will assist your company SEO! Kevin Croteau – Hot Spring Spas of Music City – Lebanon PA
I would recommend this workshop as the Internet and social media are moving at breakneck speed and having a [person explain how it works and what you need is invaluable. Steve Rusigno – Portland OR – Oregon Hot Tub
Covered the 9 steps to successful intent marketing and why each is important to driving sales. This is a no fluff presentation. The marketing philosophy is relevant in today’s marketplace. Jack Cohen – KPI Dynamics – San Diego, CA
David showed me what definitely will markedly enhance my business volume and that he has the skill and experience to do it where I do not and lack the time to do so. William Furhman Law Office – Encinitas, CA
I would recommend all marketing reps of companies attend or sponsor a workshop of this nature to improve one’s understanding of online marketing. Gail Matson – Function Space – Escondido, CA
Very thorough outline of how website traffic is created and the steps to create that traffic on your own website. This presentation has helped me focus on what I want to say on my website and eliminate clutter. Invaluable to any business looking to maintain a successful marketing strategy. – Stephen Bolling – Regenerative Homes – La Mesa, CA
David spoke clearly – the presentation was well organized and I learned a lot – he did not try to sell his service, instead he offered help. I am neurotic and will implement all of the ideas – utilizing social networking really struck a chord. I learned a great deal and I am sure many of the people attending did too. Geoffrey Goodman – 360 Hypnosis – – Mission Valley, CA
Clear, informative and seemed to have the steps (actions) I could take immediately without hiring a webmaster. It will help my business be easier to find on Google as well as social media relevant. I would definitely recommend this workshop to anyone with their own business that it serious about seeing change to success. Daniella De Varney – San Diego
You seem to “own” this material and have a great knowledge. I can implement some material immediately. Best overview of material – a great explanation of this material to “non-experts” Rick Trevision – RB Chiropractic – San Diego, CA
Dave made me look at what I am doing (or not doing) and re-evaluate things and point me in the right direction. I learned so much I hope I remember half and this seminar is a success. I will be optimizing my website and using social media. This [workshop] will help the success of any business. In the information age, we need to take advantage of “free” adverting that is out there. John Faucher – BBD Embroidery – San Diego, CA
The info was clear, to the point and very professional. I got a wealth of info for the short time we had. I’ve been pitched this type of service from many. David is the only one I’ve had any respect for. Mike Irvin – Exclusive Appraisal Source – Poway, CA
I love the fact that Internet marketing is mostly free and these days I love free. This is the second boot camp of Dave’s I have attended and I always get so much out of it. The content is in easy terms everyone can relate to. Heather Milne – Fitness Together – San Diego
To Speak to Me Personally About Your Upcoming Event, Feel Free to Contact me at 858-442-3131
To Your Continued Success,
David Carleton